You Have Nothing to Lose!
Enviro Cleaning Services offers free demonstrations to commercial prospects within a 50-mile radius of Pittsburgh, PA.
What is a Demo? How Long Does It Take?
A free demo consists of cleaning a ceiling tile, tiles, or part of a tile to see what our process can do for your ceiling. We cover exposed areas around the test tile and use a low-pressure spray system to apply a non-toxic, USDA and OSHA approved cleaner. The demonstration takes approximately 15 minutes. The results are used to determine whether your ceiling is a candidate for cleaning.
YES! I'd Like a Demo
Request a demonstration at your location. You have nothing to lose! It's easy - just Click on the button and we will call to schedule an exact date and time.
"Our free demonstrations are quick, easy, and will amaze you. Best of all, you have no cost to see how well our process works in cleaning your ceiling tiles, in place, assuring you of how effective Enviro Cleaning Services can be for you."
Curt Stemmerich,
Owner Pittsburgh Branch
Restrictions: Your demonstration location must be within 50 miles of Pittsburgh, PA and be a commercial, industrial, institutional, or hospitality location.
Ideal for...
Bars & Taverns
Social Halls & Clubs
Night Clubs
VFWs & American Legions
Elks & Moose Clubs
Private Clubs
Private Residences
Nursing Homes
Hotels and Motels
Hair Salons
Athletic Clubs
Health & Fitness Centers
Universities & Colleges
Convenience Stores
Grocery Stores
Pizza Shops
Bowling Alleys
Off-Track Gaming Facilities
Department Stores
Shopping Malls
Car Dealerships
Office Buildings
Industrial Facilities
Manufacturing Plants
We Clean...
Acoustic Tile
Painted Surfaces
Fissure Drop Ceiling Tile
Tectum Tile
Glacier Tile
Popcorn ceilings
Vinyl Tile
Tin Pan
Stainless Steel
Grass Cloth